At 7:30 a.m the kindergarten is opened. We have already prepared something to make it easier for the children to arrive.
There is an orientation phase and free play time until around 9:30 a.m. The first kids arrive and can take a game or take a rest in the retreat area. At the large table there is muesli with oat“milk” and organic seasonal fruit that the children can enjoy together if they want.
The studio is open and so is the construction area. During this time there are also educational flashes. The children in the final year of kindergarten deal with their manual work.
From around 9:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. it's clearing time. Music plays and signals to the children that they still have a few minutes to finish the game. Afterwards, common clean-up songs are sung. This makes it easier for the children to tidy up together and to bring everything back into place with the adults.
The morning circle begins at 9:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The children are invited to take a seat on the large, round carpet and start the day as a group. The weather and the date of the day are worked out every day. The offers for the morning are presented and the children can choose which offer they want to participate in.
From 10:00 to 11:30 there is free play time and concentration phase: During the free play time, the educators offer the children various activities and educational offers. These are anchored in the weekly schedule and made transparent for parents in advance.
The lunch circle is from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Games are played and songs are sung, so that together setting the tables does not become too restless and the children have enough rest and time to cover their place at their own pace, which always make one child after the other get up.
Lunch will take place from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Every child has set their own place. The meal is started together with a saying. Each child can choose their own portion of food. An assistant will help.
From about 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. there is rest. The "sleeping children" are allowed to take their bedding and help with making the beds. Every child has their own bedding and goes to sleep in the construction area with an assistant. Attention is paid to a pleasant and calm atmosphere. The swaddling children are swaddled again or checked again before they are allowed to lie down. Particular attention is paid to the different sleep needs. Each child can decide for themselves when they have finished their need for rest.
The other children can find a quiet game in the main group room or read a story together. We then do gymnastics two days a week.
There is a snack in the afternoon from around 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. E.g. cereal porridge, homemade bread and the like. Attention is paid to quality and a balanced diet.
From approx. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. there is free play time and concentration phase. Some children continue work they have started in the morning. The studio is open and so is the construction area. Or we go to the playground together.
At around 4:45 p.m. the group is tidied up, the chairs are raised and the kindergarten is then closed again at 5:00 p.m.
The last supervisor checks everything.
The time structures are approximate. The daily routine is based on the needs of the children and is therefore flexible.
We cannot be reached by phone between 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in order to be able to concentrate fully on the children.
Informationspflicht laut §5 E-Commerce Gesetz, §14 Unternehmensgesetzbuch, §63 Gewerbeordnung und Offenlegungspflicht laut §25 Mediengesetz.
Elternverein Perlenmeer
ZVR: 1370826378
Lainzerstrasse 144
1130 Wien
Organschaftliche Vertreter
Obmann/Obfrau: Florance von Gleichen
Obmann/Obfrau Stellvertreter: Jasmina Dzajic
Vereinssitz: Wien
Tel.: +43 676 366 10 86
Vereinszweck: Betreibung eines Kindergartens
Quelle: Erstellt mit dem Impressum Generator von AdSimple® Webdesign in Kooperation mit
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Elternverein Perlenmeer
ZVR: 1370826378
Lainzerstrasse 144
1130 Wien
Community representative
Chairman/Chairwoman: Florance von Gleichen
Chairman/Chairwoman Deputy: Jasmina Dzajic
Location: Wien
Phone: +43 676 366 1086
Purpose of the association: Betreibung eines Kindergartens
Source: Created with the Impressum Generator by AdSimple® Webdesign in cooperation with
Source: Created with the Datenschutz Generator by AdSimple® in cooperation with